Saint Vladimir the Apostolic King of the Russians July 15

Saint Vladimir the Apostolic King of the Russians July 15

St. Vladimir the Apostolic King of the Russians was the son of the ruler of Kiev Sviatoslav. He was born in the year 958 AD.

His mother's name was Malousa and she was the first servant of her husband's mother, the Holy Queen Olga, who was the first to become a Christian in Russia and led many to piety.

When Vladimir captured the throne τKiev, at first he was a pagan and so he acted. He had many wives and had 12 sons and 11 daughters.

But then, with the warm prayers of his holy grandmother and the divine enlightenment, many signs are said about his conversion to Christianity, he believed in Christ and was baptized in Kyiv.

He married Anna, the sister of the Byzantine emperor Basil II the Bulgarian, and demolished all the idols in the country. He baptized most Russian Christians and built two beautiful churches in Kiev.

His life changed radically and he became a true Christian and helped a lot for the spread of Christianity. He passed away peacefully on July 15, 1015 AD.

Saint Vladimir feast,
Saint Vladimir Protector,
Saint Vladimir,
Saint John Vladimir,
Saint Vladimir,
Saint John Vladimir, Saint Olga, Kiev,