Wish to the Most Holy Theotokos

Wish to the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayer to Our Lady. From Tcoastal Sequences

Immaculate, unsullied, undefiled, blameless, pure Virgin, God-nymph Despina, the Word of God to men, I conceived you in a strange way, and I united the rejected nature of our race, the heavenly ones, the only hope of the desperate and of the war-torn aid.

The ready perception of those who come to you, and of all Christians the refuge, not abomination with the sinner, the accuser, the filthy thoughts and words and actions all unworthy of self, and of the pleasures of life, rashness of opinion, being born a slave, but as of the philanthropic Mother of God, philanthropically compassionate towards me, a sinner and a prodigal, and accept the prayer offered to you from filthy lips, and pity your Son, and our Despot and Lord, your motherly pride stained with sorrow, so that spring the philanthropic bowels of this goodness and, forgive my innumerable sins, return me to repentance and of this orders worker cadet display with.

And bless me as merciful and sympathetic and benevolent, while in the present I live a warm protector and helper, walling off the attacks of the adversaries and guiding me to salvation, and in the time of my exit I surrounded my wretched soul and the dark faces of the wicked expelling demons from her, while proving to me the terrible day of judgment, the eternal hell with rain, and the secret glory of your Son and God our heir.

May it also happen, my Lady, most holy Theotokos, through your intercession and understanding, grace and charity of the only begotten Son, our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, O all glory, honor and worship be due, together with this sovereign Father and I am holy and blessed and quickened by his Spirit, now and forever and ever.


Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos