The Birth of the Holy Forerunner John the Baptist on June 24

The Birth of the Holy Forerunner John the Baptist on June 24

Apolitikio of Agios Ioannis the Forerunner and Baptist of Christ

Today is his Birthday John the Baptist. Where is the Righteous Forerunner for the coming of our Savior Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Word of the Father. The Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Timios Prodromos' father was a priest. One day at the hour of incense, he saw in the altar an angel of the Lord, ο opoios announced to him that he would have a son whom he would name John.

Zacharias jumped for joy, but he did not believe. His wife was old and barren and therefore it was impossible for her to conceive and she expressed these doubts to the angel who replied that the child would be born and he would be punished for his infidelity, remaining deaf until the will of God was fulfilled.

Indeed, his wife Elizabeth conceived and after nine months gave birth to a son. Eight days after the birth, during the circumcision of the child, the relatives wanted to give him the name of his father, ie Zacharias. But Zacharias wrote the name John on the sign.

Immediately his tongue was loosed, and all who were present were filled with joy and hope, for they knew that the Forerunner of the presence of the expected Messiah had been born.

John not only possessed the gift of prophecy, but he also claimed the greatest joy and honor. He baptized the Messiah Christ, whom he confessed throughout his life.

John the Forerunner biography, St. John the Baptist for children, Beheading of John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist on January 7, Feast of St. John the Baptist, The Synaxis of the Forerunner, Icon of St. John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist John the Forerunner, Flag Saint John the Forerunner, John the Forerunner xcm High, the Forerunner xcm High Strength, John the Forerunner x Wooden, Forerunner x Wooden Icon Saint, Forerunner x Wooden Icon Saint, The Forerunner Wood X Icon The, Birthday of St. John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist and, The Birthday of St. John, St. John the Baptist and Baptist, John the Baptist, glorious Prophet Prodromos and Baptist, June the Forerunner, John the Baptist, John The,