The Metropolitan of Morphou faces coronavirus and prejudice 2 ′

The Metropolitan of Morphou faces coronavirus and prejudice 2 ′

After being isolated in his cell and tested with the coronavirus, Panierotatos Neophytos will have to face the spasmodic reactions, the ridicule and everything else that his opponents cause / trigger.

It is characteristic that after the liturgy, they try to accuse him of spreading the virus, under the pretext that the faithful in the Liturgy took revenge from him and kissed his hand.

The authorities of Cyprus, I sent a special team, to investigate the whole village for the possibility that the virus has been transmitted and they make sure that it has full media coverage (television, radio, websites), constantly attacking the Metropolitan and his refusal to be vaccinated.

Morphou Neophytos has left everything in the hands of God, as a Merciful God, Good and Philanthropic. Declares Faith in Christ and in the Most Holy Theotokos. Welcome!

The Metropolitan of Morphou

Let's take things from the beginning.

His anxiety about the possible spread of the virus in their community Three Olives after the performance of a divine liturgy by him Metropolitan of Morphou expressed in the Morning Itinerary the community leader, Christoforos Ioannidis.

Among other things, he referred to what happened on Sunday (15/8), explaining that the Metropolitan had told him that he would hold the service three weeks before, despite the concerns they had about the increase that the attendance of the faithful would have.

He added that "the church was very crowded but most of them wore masks, while there were also believers outside the church. As soon as he arrived, the Metropolitan had sat outside the church because he was not feeling well. He then entered the church to continue the service.

What worries us is that the people ran to get the retribution and kissed the hand of the Metropolitan. This was disturbing when we later learned that he had this problem.

At the end of the divine service, a meal was served to the Metropolitan, but the hall was quite large and 25-30 people were present in the area, including the mayor.

He added that they learned from the media that the Metropolitan was diagnosed positive in the coronavirus and an upset ensued.

He pointed out that he visited all the residents of the village and so far no positive case has been identified. They also contacted the competent Ministry, which requested information on the people who attended. The Ministry of Health assured the mayor that he will send a team to test all the residents of the Three Olives this afternoon.

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