Elder Galaktia: repentance, correction, Confession is Philopatria 3 ′

Elder Galaktia: repentance, correction, Confession is Philopatria 3 ′

He understood that the old woman, after a vision he had that saw Our Lord and God Jesus Christ Himself

Here is how exactly “Pillar of Orthodoxy”The awesome vision of the holy Elder of Crete:

Elder Galaktia

"Tonight I saw a glittering man sitting on a throne awesome!

He was holding a ball like a ball. Something like invisible germs began to grow on the ball.

When I met I asked God to explain to me what I saw.

I received information in my heart, that the Seated on the throne is the Old Man of Days!

Our Lord Jesus Christ!

The little ball he was holding is the universe. It is not even a grain of sand in His colorless hands.

We humans are the ones who have risen to the top of the universe. Selfishness inflates us and we think we are great and tall.

We are, of course, great because we are children of God and the whole universe was created for us. But to feel this we must feel a nothing before our Lord and among ourselves. Not to raise a boy and curse him and think we are Gods without Him.

I then asked to see the land. I saw her holding it like a ball again. But I saw that he had something stinking around him. It was something like a transparent film. Chip, as we say, glide better. She was fat and sluggish and God said:

"Michael, take out this dirty face (s.s. dried dregs from some liquid) with your sword! We are disgusted by their stench with their mouth orgies, their adulteries, their sodomy and all their evil deeds ".

Then I begged the knife to take the face out of the globe as lightly as possible. He answered me:

"It can not be done"!

Then I prayed for our homeland with tears. And he answered:

"Your country has a lot of such faces! He drowned in this stench. But for the sake of my mother (The Virgin Mary) it will come out very light. They will not feel the knife ".

Then I met. I realized that the world will be cleansed with blood. He will get rid of unbearable pain and wars. I constantly thank the Virgin Mary for Her protection in our Helladitsa ””!

Therefore, the repentance, the correction, the Confession, the return of each of us, apart from Orthodoxy, is now also Philopatria, because in this way the "quiver" of the Virgin Mary is filled and our sweet homeland is protected from what is terrible to happen.

Homeland which, after all, He created and to Him we owe it and we thank Him!
