Antimenstrual small color 60X40cm


Antimenstrual small color 60X40cm. It is given in Russian but it is possible to print on it, and a monogram or symbol of the Holy Metropolis or the Holy Temple. ( Contact 2110133890)

1 in stock


Antimenstrual small color 60X40cm. The antimensio or  antimicrobial is a functional utensil vestment, directly connected with the performance of the sacrament of Holy Communion. It is given in Russian however, there is the possibility to print on it a monogram or symbol of the Holy Metropolis or the Holy Church. (Contact 2110133890)

The Holy Monastery of Agia Trinity of Sparmos Olympus, with respect to tradition, published an elegant, colorful Antimensio.

The excellent quality fabric, combined with state-of-the-art printing technology with indelible colors, offers comfort and ease of use by priests and durability.

It is possible to print εon it, except the place and time of the inauguration, and any monogram or symbol of the Holy Metropolis or the Holy Temple. ( Contact 2110133890)


The consecration of the Holy Gifts takes place in the antimony on the Holy Table, is unfolded before the deposition of the Eucharistic items at the altar of the temple and is wrapped, after the Holy Gifts are placed in the intention after the communion of the faithful.

The term antimensio comes etymologically from the Greek term instead of the Latin mensa which means table.

On the other hand etymology second synthetic His is the Byzantine term "minsos", which denotes a small object or utensil for offering delicacies or gifts.

The spelling of the term is recorded, depending on the above, as

(a) antimony, according to the first version; or

b) antimicrobial, according to the second.

The latter is considered by recent research to be more accurate.

The antimony is a portable consecrated Holy Table for convenient use and is used to replenish the fixed altar, or when there is a complete lack of it.

As an example in an outdoor Divine Liturgy, or when it has not yet been consecrated.

It is usually made of white linen fabric, or older than wood and more rarely than stone, while it has a representation of the Cross, the Extreme Humiliation or more commonly the Epitaph of the Lament of the Lord.

According to Evangelos Theodorou, the appearance of antimony dates back to the period of the Iconoclasm.

The Orthodox, avoiding collaborating with heretical iconoclasts, celebrated the Eucharist in private, in their own homes, using an altar made of shingles or wood instead of the Holy Table.

The antimens were sometimes identified with the ileas, which are special fabrics without special sanctification, which were spoken, that is, spread, on the inaugurated Holy Table for the collection of psychic daisies in the liturgical terminology that fell from the tray during the preparation of the Divine.

This position, which identifies the remnant consecrated antimonies with the dialects, is invalid.

The establishment of the antimony is exclusively a hierarchical task, as stated by the signature of the high priest at the bottom of the antimony, which validates the regularity of its establishment.

This signature does not express the dependence of the antimony on the local high priest, nor does its use cease with the departure of the bishop who signs it from the active ministry.

The antimony can be used regardless of who shepherds the diocese, as long as the one who consecrated it has not fallen into a heretical delusion or disfigured.

The practice of revoking the antinomies of the predecessor by the current pastor is based on ensuring unity with the altar under the high priest and avoiding the performance of the Eucharist by schismatics,

regardless of whether it is exploited.

If the antimony ceases to be a normal altar at the time of the departure of the local high priest, then all the permanent altars of the temples of the province are equally invalid and need to be re-consecrated, which is not the case.

The use of antimension by the local high priest is good to be observed, but without being reduced to a dogma and considered worthy of a reward.

The consecration of the antimensions is performed during the inauguration of a holy temple by the bishop, with the prospect of having the position of a full Holy Table.

The exact position of the contraceptives in the sequence of the inauguration is the absorption of water, myrrh and other competent items by the Holy Table, after its sanctification is completed and before its dressing with the vestments, ie they function as swabs - fabrics.

They are then crucifixed with holy myrrh and served in the new altar for at least seven days.

The antimonies can be introduced in a special sequence, detached from the inauguration of the temple, which bears in the wish lists the title

Tax made by establishing antimony ", but always in the context of the Eucharist. The first of the two methods of inaugurating portable holy grail banks is clearly more ancient.

The use of sacred relics in the antimens is an influence influenced by the deposition of relics in the altar of a new temple before (newer practice) or after (older practice) its inauguration, as long as the antimens are perfect, consecrated holy tables.

On one of the sides of the antimony is placed, at least a small, piece of a sacred relic, following the requirements of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod.

The seventh rule of the above Synod stipulates that all Christian churches must be inaugurated and the relics of holy martyrs must be deposited in the Holy Table.

The deposition of relics in the countermeasures, therefore, is done consecutively.

Their place of installation, according to Symeon of Thessaloniki, is the eastern side of the portable altar.

The encapsulation of sacred relics inside the anti-menses is mentioned only in the particular sequence of their consecration and not in their introduction during the opening of a new altar.

Symeon of Thessaloniki, alone from all the paternal secretariat, refers to the placement of holy relics in the antimony, as he considers that

and in them the same standard must be followed as in the establishment of the permanent Holy Table of the temple, provided that they are established in equal terms with the latter.

The placement of relics of saints in antimony is rare in modern liturgical practice.

The consecration of the Holy Table, after all, does not depend directly on the deposition of holy relics in it and, therefore, it is not obligatory to carry holy relics and anti-menses.

The custom of depositing in the Holy Table and offering to the sacred relics is good to be observed, since this is also defined by the Seventh Ecumenical Synod.

The use of consecrated anti-meanings, but without sacred relics being stapled on them, does not make them merely eloquent, that is, common fabrics for collecting the souls of the Bread from the tray,

provided that the antimonies without the attachment of sacred relics are equivalent to those bearing a fragment of a sacred relic.

The antimony is an integral part of the worship, since it is the sacred place, on which the cohesive sacrament of each community is performed, the Holy Eucharist.

Its use is now a given, without being defined by the primitive structure of worship, but it was established on the basis of historical circumstances.

Which led to the fragmentation of the original unity, the main feature of the First Church.

Every ecclesiastical assembly must use the antimony, without going to extremes.

Recognize its functionality and real importance and do not make vague views and associations.

Who disconnect it from its original position and place it in theological edifices unknown to the Christian Church and teaching.


Antimense price

What is antimony

Anti-monthly purchase

Anti-monthly purchase

anti-menstrual epitaph

antiminsio is a functional vest

The antimensium is directly connected with the celebration of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

The antimensium is directly connected with the celebration of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

The antimensium is directly connected with the celebration of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

anti-menstrual epitaph

with what antimense do those who interrupted the mention of their metropolitan operate

Anti-monthly purchase

Antimense etymologies

Anti-monthly purchase

antiminsio is a functional vest

antimony with its representation

with the performance of Mourning

anti-menstrual epitaph

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anti-menstrual epitaph

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What is the Holy Antimensio?

antiminsio is a functional vest

anti-menstrual epitaph

antiminsio is a functional vest

Antimonthly orthodoxwiki

Anti-monthly Black and White The

More information

Weight 0,200 kg
Dimensions 40x60x1 cm




Antimenstrual small color 60X40cm


1 in stock