Recipe for Agioreitiko bread. Quick guide 1′

Recipe for Agioreitiko bread. Quick guide 1′

How do I make the sourdough?

  1. To make natural leaven, put the flour and water in a clean glass container.
  2. We mix them.
  3. You will get a thick porridge like the dough for donuts.
  4. Cover the bowl with cling film.
  5. Make 3 to 4 holes in the surface of the film and cover with a clean folded towel.
  6. It is important to leave it alone and not keep shaking the bowl or opening and closing its lid.
  7. We let it stand for 2 days.

Ingredients for bread

  • 1 kilo of whole wheat flour
  • 2 kg of white flour (soft)
  • Warm water as far as the eye can see
  • Prozymi or fresh yeast 1,5 tablespoons
  • 1 / 2 spoonful of salt

Execution of the Recipe

From the night before, we "catch" the leaven in a small bowl with a little warm water and flour, so that it is like porridge. Cover the bowl with a clean towel and leave it in a warm place for the porridge to rise.

In the morning, sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and pour the porridge with the sourdough. If the bread is made with yeast, there is no need to prepare the night before.

Simply dissolve the yeast in a little warm water and add it to the flour. Add to the basin the corresponding warm water, in which we have dissolved the salt, and knead well, until it becomes a medium dough, which does not stick to the hands.

We divide the dough into greased forms, which we put in a warm place covered with clean towels. When the dough has doubled in volume, it is ready for the oven.

Score the surface with a sharp knife and bake in a strong oven for about an hour


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