The Birthday of the Virgin Mary September 8

The Birthday of the Virgin Mary September 8

The Christian Church honors every year on 8 Σεπτεμβρίου  the birthday of the Most Holy and Eternal Virgin Our Lady, the birth, that is, of Mariam (Maria), of his mother Jesus Christ's.

This day is celebrated by Panagiotis, Maria, Marianos, Mariani, Despina, Tsambikos and Tsampika. Many churches throughout Greece are dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin.

The Birthday of the Virgin
The Birthday of the Virgin

It is known that the four Gospels do not provide information about the origin and birth of the Virgin Mary.

The relevant information is taken from the First Gospel of James (2nd century), according to which the Virgin was miraculously born in Jerusalem by a virtuous old woman named Anna.

After persistent prayers to God, she and her husband Joachim. Anna was barren and therefore childless, which was considered a disgrace to the Jewish society of her day.


Your birth, Theotokos, happily embraced the whole universe
The sun of righteousness has risen from you, Christ our God,
and you broke the curse gave the blessing and abolished death
εδορήσατο ημίν ζωήν αιώνιον.

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